Welcome to Tooro Civil Society Organisations Network (TooroNET).

A Network for Civil Society Organisations.

Tooro Civil Society Organisations Network (TooroNet) formerly KANCA came into being in 2002 out of a resolution made by 150 CSOs, is a network of civil society organizations operating in Tooro region.

Our Vision

A vibrant and sustainable Network of civil society organizations delivering quality services to an empowered community.

Our Mission

To strengthen CSOs to deliver quality services to the community through information sharing, research documentation, advocacy and networking.

Our Programmes

Good Governance & Social Mobilization

Research, Documentation & Knowledge Brokering

Networking, Partnerships & Collaboration


Why TooroNet Membership?

TooroNet is a membership organization for CSOs; both local and international, working in Tooro region.


The benefits of joining TooroNet


Sign up to join as a member today!

Make a Donation

Make a donation to directly support the CSOs in the region of Tooro.

Other Ways to Give Support

Find out other ways you can extend your support to the CSOs in the region of Tooro;

This website has been developed by Tooro Civil Society Organisations Network (TooroNet) with support from the Civil Society in Uganda Support Programme (CUSP) which is implemented by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH with financial support from the European Union and the German government. However, the contents of this website are sole responsibility of Tooro Civil Society Network and can under no circumstances be regarded as reflecting the position of the European Union or the German Government and GIZ.