Good governance improves social service delivery which ultimately reduces poverty.

TooroNet recognizes that its success is influenced by how it adapts to the socio-cultural, political, and economic environment and the extent to which we influence local leaders and community members. This involves the community of the Tooro region, public service, and political leadership so that policies can better reflect community interests and local realities.

This will foster locally owned responses and will foster Tooro people to claim development programmes as their own, ultimately enhancing their implementation. In its advocacy agenda, TooroNet tries to understand public perceptions and opinions, work with community leaders, media, and decision-makers to build political and popular support for resources allocation and policies that address the problems in basic service delivery, and agricultural livelihoods, and climate change. This is done through:

  • Strengthening downward accountability
  • Tracking Public expenditures and budgets
  • Participatory planning and budgeting
  • Sensitization and awareness-raising of on issues of education, especially primary, education, vocational education, gender, health, water sanitation and hygiene, agricultural livelihood, food security, and climate change.
  • Through lobby and advocacy agendas, engage policymakers to adopt and implement policies and programmes in support of quality primary education, on gender-based violence, food security, health, safe water, sanitation and hygiene, environmental conservation, and livelihoods.
  • Conduct social mobilization initiatives to build a critical mass in the Kabarole district that will demand services and hold local government structures accountable.
  • Facilitate linkages between member organizations/CSOs working at the community level and encourage their engagement in the district and national initiatives that can shape and influence policy development and implementation.
  • Facilitate thematic based engagement meetings with government departments and sectoral committees for effective planning and monitoring.
  • Support and strengthen the social movement of marginalized groups such as women, children, youth, and disabled persons to be strong as agents makers against injustices.