TooroNet is a network with over 60 MOs and TooroNet’s competitive advantage in promoting knowledge brokering agenda is the ability to develop and maintain networks that promote learning.

TooroNet further understands that to enhance such knowledge networks, they need to be continuously renewed with knowledge. This knowledge can be enhanced through action research and documentation. TooroNet, therefore, seek to achieve this through the following:

  • Facilitate the linkages of knowledge creators and end-users for improved services and products in thematic areas.
  • Enhance application of research results in the implementation of KANCA programs.
  • Facilitate the creation of thematic knowledge-based learning networks that can multiply, disseminate, and expand development knowledge.
  • Build the capacity of MO/CSOs to use, adapt, and build knowledge for sustainable development at the local level, and build a base upon which effective and appropriate policy and future research can be developed.
  • Facilitating learning and information sharing platforms between like-minded MO, government departments, NGOs/CBOs, Private sector, Research institutions, and academicians in Tooro region and beyond to learn from what exists and contribute to good practice.
  • Strengthen internal capacity in KANCA to learn from its practice and encourage documenting and sharing at partner/member level and within the programmes.
  • Support NGOs/CBOs to use ICT and social media for engagement and marketing products, services, and best practices.